Republican women are recognized as the Heart of the Party. We are key to successful fundraising, as well as advocating for and recruiting local, state, and national Republican candidates; especially women!
Active political leaders provide us insight into how government functions and how we can help them achieve Republican Platform goals.
We proactively contribute to and work with Republican candidates. We invite candidates to speak with us, so that our members stay fully informed.
Membership - $25
Associate Membership - $15
Associate members are Republicans who are voting members of another Republican Womens Club, those too young to vote, or people registered undeclared who share our values.
Join those who show up, speak up, and work for the greater good of our great community, state, and nation. Become a member of the Valley Republican Women of Alaska. Men are encouraged to become members and associate members!
Join our voices in strength regarding issues important to women.
Become effective leaders by volunteering for campaigns and issue advocacy.
Work together to activate voters and support grassroots efforts in electing Republicans.
Stay Informed on issues through monthly meetings, political briefings, and Facebook posts.
Decisions are made by those who show up!
Become a member online
using the button below
Online Payments
Your payment will appear on your bank statement as:
Valley Rep Women
Personal Check Payments
Please include your occupation & employer
(or retired) on the subject line for our record keeping.
Mail your check to:
Valley Republican Women
PO Box 876739
Wasilla, Ak 876739
*Full Membership to Valley Republican Women of Alaska must be Republican*
Ronald Reagan